Scabies treatment

with permetrine cream

Scabies treatment with permetrine cream

Scabies is a contagious skin infestation by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei.

The infestation causes dreadfull itching, especially at night. Scabies is an annoying condition but not dangerous. It’s no matter of insufficiënt hygiene; everybody can fall victim to this condition.


Scabies is rather contagious, it can be caused by:

  • at least 15 minute contact, skin-to-skin, with somebody infected with scabiës
  • use of clothing, towels, bedlinen from infected people. CAUTION: scabiës-mites stay alive through 3 days when not in contact with humans.
  • skincontact with animals that carry this mite temporarily

Treat all people most near to you

Scabies can be treated well; be sure you treat all people around you, even if they do not have any complaints or no skin abnormality’s yet.


Scabies can be treated with crème (permetrine) or tablets (ivermectine). The choice which treatment is to be made together with your docter. You will have follow washing- and hygiene instructions carefully.   For correct treatment, follow all steps below. Repeat steps after one week.


1. Warn all household and/or family members, including people who do not stay in the house permanently or who may have borrowed and worn your clothes.
Everyone must be treated, even people without complaints. The treatment must be done at the same time to prevent recontamination.
2. Wash all clothes, towels and bedding worn and used for the last 3 days at 60 degrees Celsius. Hard-to-wash fabrics: store at room temperature for at least 72 hours in sealed plastic bags. Then the scabies mites are dead.
Vacuum cloth items that don’t fit into the washingmachine (sofa’s, carpets, doggybed, etc.)
3. Apply the cream in the evening on dry and clean skin from the jawline downwards. Note: also apply between the toes, in skinfolds, the genitals and under short-cut nails. Have someone else rub your back wearing gloves.
The cream should not come into contact with mucous membranes. With children up to 12 years and bedridden/vulnerable elderly should the head be treated as well.
4. Put on clean clothing and sleep in a bed with clean bedding.
5. Let the cream be withdrawn at night for 12 hours.
If you use the toilet at night, apply the cream again on genitals and hands.
6. Wash worn nightwear and bedding at 60 degrees Celsius. Turn the mattress, air the blankets outside and open the window for airing. Then take a shower yourself.
7. After 7 days repeat all steps above. The itching can last for an average of 6 weeks. An anti-itch cream may be used.